Weekday Challenge: Starting Your Day Feeling Motivated & Energized

Y’all… Mondays. Are. Tough. If you’re anything like me, getting out of bed feeling motivated and energized is such a challenge at the beginning of a new work day. I’ve been noticing more and more that I’m starting the week off feeling tired and overwhelmed with all that I have on my mind to do and accomplish that week.

Well it’s time to put it to an end!  I’ve been busy over here brainstorming ideas that I can plug into my daily routines that will help lower stress and think positively each day, but especially on Mondays. I easily get caught up thinking about all that I have to do and all that I want and forget about all the things I have accomplished and what I am so blessed to have.  Anyone else with me on this?

One aspect of blogging that has been great for me personally is that posting about these ideas helps holds myself accountable! So here we go! I’m sure I’ll do an updated version of this later on if I come up with others or alter the ones I have.  You ready? LET’S DO THIS! *Insert fist bump emoji here*

  • Morning Devotional: This isn’t the first time I’ve suggested this and it won’t be the last. Starting your day in the Word is such a good way to remember why we are really here on earth and what our purpose is. I need a daily (or even hourly) reminder to glorify God in everything that I do. Here are a few recommendations I have for morning devotionals. *I do want to encourage you to make sure you choose a devotional that is actually having you read scripture and helping you understand that scripture and how you can apply it to your own life. Many VERY popular devotionals are authors using their own words that they claim God put on their hearts. I would be very cautious of these. 
    • First5 App: I’ve suggested this one before, but as a reminder, the goal for this devo is to spend your first 5 minutes in the Word. What I love about this devo is that it has a prayer at the end that goes with the scripture.
    • She Reads Truth App: I absolutely LOVE She Reads Truth. I highly recommend the She Reads Truth Bible too! It is such a good study Bible for women that is easy to read, includes devotionals, and has so many study tips to help you better understand what you are reading.
  • Keep a Journal in Your Nightstand: I have a few different ideas for this.
    • Write down at least 3 things that you did accomplish the week before. Big or small! Have more than 3? Excellent!
    • Write down 3 things you are grateful for RIGHT NOW. This one is really important for me. I very easily get caught up in thinking about the future and thinking about what I want in life, that I forget about all that I have.
    • Now write down 2-3 things you want to accomplish THAT day. This could be anything! To-do’s around the house? Personal goals? Setting aside time for yourself?
  • Turn on Some Tunes & Move!: This one is a little out there but just trust me! Your body needs to wake up to ya know!  Turn on some music that gets you pumped up and get moving! I’m planning on doing some basic stretches, but I’m sure I’ll bust out some dance moves along the way 😉
  • Dress for Success: See my earlier post linked here all about why I dress for success!
  • Healthy Breakfast + Pack a Snack: If I do not eat enough for breakfast, my day is a WRECK! Soon I’d like to change up my breakfast game but for now I just do a bowl of healthy cereal with a banana. Then pack yourself a snack for work! Treat yourself to a little something you can look forward to! I just started having these Go Macro protein bars. I have half as a morning snack and half as an afternoon snack.